Kiwanis Club of Lynchburg Member Meetings:
We’d love to have you join us. All people are welcome to participate in the Kiwanis mission of improving communities for children. Kiwanis clubs celebrate and foster an environment of inclusiveness in all and every level of our organization
When: the 1 st and 3 rd Friday of each month unless otherwise noted due to holiday or weather
Times: Meetings run from 12:00pm to about 1:30pm, meeting, light lunch and guest speakers. Members can come and go as we understand everyone has a different time schedule.
Who Can Attend: Guests and prospective members are welcome
Where: Centenary United Methodist Church, 1501 Rivermont Ave. in Lynchburg.
Note to Members: We have started looking at some great ‘offsite’ opportunities for meetings such as local attractions and other points of interest. If you have any ideas for places you would like to see us hold a meeting or speakers you would like to hear, please let us know.